Friday, December 5, 2008


So the last day of the class has come and gone, and I've learned something: I love multimedia journalism, but I take my performance way too personally. While I sat in class, I was so eager to show what I had that my ego took over. It felt good to see videos from others that I considered "below" mine. Likewise, I was angry with work that I considered better. Defying that tendency in me takes slowing down and reflecting: I eventually managed to quiet my ego, but it took a little while.

I remember my friend Ramsey writing in my senior yearbook, "Don't let a competitive spirit get in the way of your happiness." He had worked with me on a class video, and I think he saw how obsessed I could get with the work.

Wanting a good product is healthy, but in the end I need to remember my work is not the sum of me. I love what I do, but I can't let my work define my worth or put me on an ego trip.

That said, I love the folk beat. I love working it, and I love the responses I got from musicians. Many said they were surprised to meet someone exclusively covering folk and Americana in New York. I'm sure there are others doing it, but I guess not too many. I felt my work was valued, and I was absolutely invigorated by the music.

The next step is to make Folk People a more interactive site. I want to create a place for New York Americana with offerings of video and text pieces, along with message boards on music topics, and ways for musicians to connect and find jams, good places to busk and strong open mic nights. Social networking mixed with news&reviews.

Before I get ahead of myself though, I'll take what I've got and refurbish it, from the photo slideshow to the videos. The podcast I'll leave alone. That baby took blood, sweat and tears to deliver, and Dr. Rivera said she came out just fine.

As always, I welcome feedback. I wish you all the best!

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